Can Sulphur and royal jelly alleviate the symptoms of children with autism?
Sofie, a severely autistic child, grew worse and worse with each new vaccine given. At last, Tammi, the girl's mother, started removing gluten and diary from her daughter's diet. She was offered sulfur and saw major improvement in Sofie's symptoms. Then, she added royal jelly and witnessed more positive results. Sofie is coping much better with school, interacting with students, etc.
No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism
Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?
Sofie, a severely autistic child, grew worse and worse with each new vaccine given. At last, Tammi, the girl's mother, started removing gluten and diary from her daughter's diet. She was offered sulfur and saw major improvement in Sofie's symptoms. Then, she added royal jelly and witnessed more positive results. Sofie is coping much better with school, interacting with students, etc.
No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism
Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?