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Showing posts from August 24, 2019

Shiv Stotra for Curing Autism?

Chanting a mantra for 45 consecutive days beginning from the fourth or fifth day of the waxing moon, may provide a degree of relief, but all this chanting may or may not improve on your autistic child's symptoms. One must be realistic and try a more practical approach. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Treating Aggression in Autism

The drug risperidone was FDA-approved for treating aggressive behavior in autistic children. But bear in mind that while you may succeed in reducing that aggressiveness, your child may experience many unfavorable side effects such as dizziness, tiredness, drowsiness, twitching, agitation, depression, upset stomach, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, sore throat, and others. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Treating Autism with MUFAS?

Treating an autistic person with MEFAS may yield positive results. A trial was conducted in Spain where 105 children with ASD and 495 developing TD(tardive dyskinesia), age ranging from 6 to 9. The groups were compared. Results:  groups did not differ either in total dietary intake, food Variety Score, or Healthy Eating Index. Kids with ASD had lower saturated fatty acids and w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids intakes; their total PUFA intakes and w-6/w-3 ratios were higher compared to TD children. Both groups had low w-6 intakes, too low w-3 intakes, and high w-6/w-3 ratios. Conclusion:  more research is needed to see links between ASD symptomatology, fat-eating patterns, and overall health condition. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Treating Autism with Marijuana or CBD Oil

There are several cases of parents treating their autistic children with marijuana or CBD oil and experiencing benefits. Dylan from Rhode Island, according to parents, had demonstrated positive results. The changes were life-changing for Dylan, enabling him to be more successful at school and in his social life. More research and testing are needed to determine the long-term benefits and dangers of marijuana on autism. Parents must assess the different risks and benefits connected with treating autism with marijuana or CBD oil. Parents must decide responsibly after consulting a trusted medical professional. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Serotonin for Treating Autism in UK

According to a study, increasing levels of serotonin causes mice that model autism to be more social. The study goes so far to suggest that the approach can also help those individuals with autism. The study explains why antidepressants are not easing autistic symptoms: they could boost serotonin levels way too slowly in patients to be truly effective. Years of research have indicated a link between autism and serotonin. This led researchers to try testing antidepressants, which resulted in an increase of serotonin levels through blocking its re-absorption into neurons, for treating autism. But, antipressants like fluoxetine showed to be ineffective in easing ASD's symptoms, in many trials. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Treating MTHFR in Children with Autism

It is believed that as many as 98% of autistic children may be affected because of the genetic mutation. MTHFR mutation affects the body's natural ability to detoxify toxins, including compromising the immune system. Different forms of folate seem to be safe and can treat weaknesses in oral-motor functions of ASD patients. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime Of Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Sulphur and Royal Jelly to Treat Autism?

Can Sulphur and royal jelly alleviate the symptoms of children with autism? Sofie, a severely autistic child, grew worse and worse with each new vaccine given. At last, Tammi, the girl's mother, started removing gluten and diary from her daughter's diet. She was offered sulfur and saw major improvement in Sofie's symptoms. Then, she added royal jelly and witnessed more positive results. Sofie is coping much better with school, interacting with students, etc. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Bacteriophage to Treat Autism

Because bacteriophages not only flight bacterial infections but perform better than antibiotics, bacteriophages can remain effective longer and thus clear bacteria better in the long run. In addition to outshining antibiotics, bacteriophages may be engineered to address specific bacteria. So, bacteriophage may be used to treat children with autism in improving their symptoms markedly. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime Of Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Lupron Treatment Tried to Treat Autism by

Lupron is a drug used for treating prostate cancer in men and fibroids in women. Its therapy for autism is rooted in the theory that testosterone enlarges the toxic effects of mercury. But there exists no proof proving Lupron is either safe or effective treatment for autism. Also, the drug can cause negative side effects like hives, tingling, weakness, numbness, painful urination, bone pain, blood in the urine, osteoporosis, and testicular pain. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Treat Autism with Antibiotics

Because antibiotics improved a child's autistic symptoms, the father explored the connection between autism and gut bacteria. The child went on a 10-day course of taking amoxicillin to address his strep throat. The father noted important changes in the child's symptoms, after only 4 days on the prescription medication. He started to make eye contact; his speech began to improve greatly; he grew less insistent for the same routine; and he showed a much higher level of energy. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?