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Showing posts from August 22, 2019

Autism Cure by Ayurveda?

A child diagnosed with autism or ASD has an excess of vata dosha, and with such an excess you see symptoms like anxiety, trouble learning, and restlessness. A massage given each morning aids in reducing the increase of vata and may soothe a restless child. The dosha that has no balance in Ayurveda, is treated first. A daily Ayurvedic massage can do wonders in relaxing a high-strung child. The Ayurvedic massage is done firstly in the morning prior to a shower, and its benefits last all day. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Black Manta Cured Autism

Who is Black Manta? He is a fictional supervillain in comic books. As a child Black Manta was extremely autistic. On account of his wildly unpredictable outbursts as an orphan, he was sent to Artcham Asylum, where he underwent several experimentations, curing him of autism, clearing his mind, but causing him serious side effects: he became very violent and vicious. He also grew more energetic and his endurance increased dramatically. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Autism and Me Stuart Murray Cure

The professor and author, Stuart Murray, does not mention any known causes nor potential cures for autism in his book. If you want more clarity on the subject, the existing controversies, the history, a list of supportive organizations, then you may want to order this book. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Cure for Autism is a Bullet to the Brain!

A man who shot himself in a suicidal attempt, lost his compulsive and obsessive behavior of washing his hands and showering constantly; the bullet to his brain worked as the "treatment" in removing his former behaviors. But do not shoot your autistic child as a cure for autism! You will most likely kill your child instead of treating the condition and end up in jail! No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

These Fidget Spinners Will Cure Your Autism

A child usually holds the toy's bearing between his index finger and thumb while it spins without batteries. These toys have become highly popular and are the number one selling toy at Amazon. Marketers are claiming fidget spinners successfully manage disabilities. The toy does allow kids to play during breaks and provides them with stimulation and mental breaks on account of boring, mindless tasks. One special education teacher reports buying a fidget spinner for a student with "severe ADHD and behavioral problems." For whatever reason, the student became quiet, active in class, and attentive. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Can Zinc Cure Autism?

Zinc has been found to be deficient in autistic children in a study, and scientists are now theorizing that a deficiency of zinc may lead to the development of autism. So the assumption rings true that if zinc is given to autistic children to counteract this deficiency, the increase may help treat the disorder. But the doses would have to be quite large like 200mg daily to make a noticeable positive difference in the child's symptoms. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Neuroplasticity Can Cure Autism of Your Child

Since the human brain is highly plastic, the brain of an autistic child can change and become stronger, capable of learning and overcoming limits in fantastic ways. The brain as an information system, organizes all of our thoughts, emotions, and movements. The brain's job is to create order in the day-to-day confusion and convert the constant onslaught of stimulation into useful information. The brains of autistic kids seem to have a hard time in organizing actions and perceptions and making sense of both themselves and the world. But with effort and right guidance the autistic child can learn to distinguish sounds and other stimuli in time. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Drinking Bleach to Cure Autism?

Are parents of children with autism so desperate that they are resorting to bleach for curing their condition? The FDA has released a consumer update instructing the public to stop drinking bleach that is sold under names such as Miracle and Master Mineral Solution, MMS, water purification, Solutions, or Miracle Mineral Supplement. "Sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide are not meant to be swallowed by people," wrote the FDA. Parents are obviously falling prey to outrageous claims from merchants promoting their miracle products, claiming they can treat everything from cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, to autism. Don't believe these brazen lies! No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Can Homeopathy Cure Autism?

There are over 100 homeopaths who are attempting to cure autism in United Kingdom. They are using treatments that involve detoxing kids of vaccinations and antibiotics that are held as the causes for the condition. These homeopaths are mostly accredited practitioners of CEASE treatment, standing for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. Tinus Smits, a Dutch doctor, invented CEASE. His website and book describe a technique for eliminating toxins from a child's body, including vaccines and medication. The method entails homeopathic treatments and large doses of vitamin C. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Camel Milk Can Cure Autism and Crohn's

Camel Milk is the new fad cure, treating many health conditions from diabetes to autism. Because of camel milk's wealth in vitamin C and protective proteins, this milk is different from other commonplace milk products. Camel milk is astonishing because of its antibacterial, antioxidative, antiviral, antifungal, anti-hepatitis, and anti-arthritis properties, remedy for paratuberculosis, preventing aging, and treatment for autoimmune diseases. Camel milk has been shown to decrease symptoms in children with autism. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

GAPS Diet Cures Autism?

GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome; it's a condition where neurological disorders like ADD, depression, autism, schizophrenia, and OCD are thought to be caused by imbalances in the gut.  GAPS Diet eliminates sugar, grains, and starch, and instead, adds foods rich in healthy fats, probiotics, and amino acids required to repair the gut wall. Many health problems disappear when the gut lining is healed. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Immunization Causes Autism?

Everyone who's a parent of children with autism believe there's an undeniable link between immunization and autism, despite how the CDC keeps denying fiercely a connection, and despite all the scientific studies conducted that examined the relationship between the growing rate of vaccines and the growing rate of autism. The actual ingredient in vaccines that is causing autism has not yet been determined. Concerned parents are opting to exclude their children from immunization to prevent the "greater evil." No well-meaning parent wants his/her children to become autistic. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Causes of Autism Epigenetics Genetics Familial Risk Factors

The current consensus among most researchers is that genetics and environmental factors are playing a major role. However, finding a heritable connection is highly difficult because there are many genotypic variations that may underlie autism. To enhance the process in pinpointing genes contributing to the etiology of autism, scientists are expanding their research by including epigenetics. One specific gene, SETD, is in charge of neurodevelopment and associated behaviors. The gene has been identified in other studies in influencing early development; thus, the gene has become a top candidate for ASD. Scientists might have verified SETD's role in ASD by using a unique mouse model in a recent study. They have documented the gene driving epigenetically unusual neurodevelopment that leads to behavioral deficits commonly seen in ASD. Findings are published in Translational Psychiatry, in its January issue. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You ...

Incidence Rates and Causes of Autism

CDC now estimates 1 in 68 children will have autism in the US, with the prevalence being 1 in 42 for boys and 1 in 189 girls, which yield a gender ratio of approximately 5 boys for each girl. There are still no causes defined for this growth of cases of autism. Parents everywhere can't help to wonder why the increase. Even when the preservative had been dropped from vaccines, rates of autism continue to climb. Is someone poisoning our food, our water supply, or the air we breathe? No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?