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Showing posts from August 20, 2019

Dramatic Increase in Autism Prevalence Parallels Explosion of Research into its Biology and Causes

A researcher says that funding for research on autism is not keeping pace with the growing scale of health challenges autism has created, additional research is required on prenatal and early postnatal neurological development, on environmental and gene risk factors, on treatment, and on adults with autism. Without this research the public will continue to stay in the dark about autism. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Alien Abduction Causes Autism?

Parents of children with autism are desperate for answers, and thus, are wondering if their children were possibly abducted by aliens, as the cause of their autism. This theory has grown with the help of supposedly abducted parents and their abducted kids. Here's the connection: several parents claiming to have been abducted, had children with autism. In addition, children supposedly abducted by aliens, drew pictures connecting the cause of autism with aliens. It this more fiction than reality? No one can know for certain what's going on with these parents and their autistic children. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

What Causes Autism: Chromosomal Mutation or Nondisjunction?

According to a study, X chromosome is theorized to lead to the genetic disorder defined as severe autism. Opposed to the usual cases of autism, syndromic forms of the disorder are brought about by mutations in single chromosomal regions. Some of these genes are on the X chromosome like MecP2. Mutations in two different X chromosome genes, NLGN3 and NLGN4X, are linked with autism. These mutations occurring in genes could shed light on the growing rate of autism in male children. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Sonic the Hedgehog Causes Autism

Because autistic children prefer staying inside most of the time and can only watch cartoons their parents allow them to enjoy, they are stuck watching Sonic the Hedgehog, as opposed to less wholesome cartoons. Autistic kids can easily understand the black-and-white morality that Sonic brings them. When older, these children still watch the same cartoons where all is apparent and predictable, for they have yet not conquered the basics of how to interact with other normal and same-age children. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Ginger Taylor Says Vaccines Don't Cause Autism; They Just Result in Autism

Ginger Taylor provides a summary of 157 research papers that support autism/vaccine causation. Regular mainstream research is finding that vaccines and their contents may cause medical conditions that devoted doctors and researchers are usually seeing in children who have received the autistic diagnosis. The conditions include immune system problems, gastrointestinal harm, chronic infections, mitochondrial disorders, neurological regression, autoimmune conditions, brain inflammation, and others. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Courts Quietly Confirm MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

Not too long ago the courts, governments, and vaccine companies ultimately, though quietly, admitted that the Measles Mumps Rubella vaccination does cause autism and stomach-related diseases. Huge multi-billion pharmaceutical corporations have gone the extra miles in paying out large sums of money to the victims in order to compensate parents of children with autism and to silence them! No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Is Asterixis the Cause of Autism Stimming?

Asterixis which results with autistic children flapping their arms like wings, is a sure sign of stimulation overload. If this stimming behavior is not pacified, the autistic child may experience a meltdown. How do you calm down an autistic child who is stimming? 1) Soothe the child with gentle, compassionate words. 2) Bathe the child in mildly warm water in a 30-minute bath. 3) Or turn the child's attention to a favorite cartoon show on the TV. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Vaccines Cause Autism Study Debunked

First, Andrew Wakefield's study was conducted with only children with developmental delay, and failing to include a control group, raised serious questions on scientific integrity and research professionalism. Second, many of the objections against his study are aimed at the study design itself that leads to biased results and does not follow practices such as control and blinding groups. Although parents were choosing not to have their children vaccinated, the rate of autistic diagnoses were not diminishing; the opposite was true. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Research Papers Disproving Vaccines Cause Autism

Paper #1 : Vaccines are not connected with autism: an evidence-based meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies The authors reviewed 10 studies that involved more than 1.25 million children to learn if there is a relationship between vaccines and autism. These 10 separate studies failed to find any relationships between MMR thimerosal, and ASD. And after conducting a meta analysis of the five cohort studies and the five case-control studies, the authors discovered no proof of a connection between vaccine and danger of developing autism. Paper #2: Enlarging exposure to antibody-stimulating proteins and polysaccharides in vaccines are not linked with risk of autism Researchers identifying 321 kids who were diagnosed with autism or ASD, matched them with 752 kids who did not have these conditions and were appropriate controls. Next, researchers compared the number of antibody-stimulating proteins and polysaccharides, which the two groups of children were exposed from ...

Peer Reviewed Proof Whatsoever that Vaccines Cause Autism

After a decade of serious research and many large scale studies in several countries, the scientific and medical communities, with their emphasis on peer review, are unanimous in their finding no solid evidence supporting a link between vaccines and autism. The evidence at hand indicates that vaccinations are not causing autism, don't contribute as the cause of autism, and have no absolute future role as the trigger of autism. More proof: in March of 2005, Japanese scientists reported that after having withdrawn the MMR vaccination for a small part of the population, cases of autism had not fallen, but rather, increased for that segment. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Proof Vaccines Don't Cause Autism

Never have the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations been under such rigorous and ceaseless examination as these past 10 years. Safety is tested immediately when a new vaccine emerges, continues till it's licensed, and then is monitored constantly after licensure. In one study 994 children were examined from age 2 to age 4. Of those, 193 were seen in the emergency department for an infection that the vaccines failed to target, and 751 kids suffered no such infections. The authors counted the number of antigens that children were exposed because of vaccines. The ones who developed non-vaccine targeted infections were exposed to about 240.6 antigens from vaccines, and children who had not developed these infections had been exposed approximately to 242.9 antigens from vaccines. Conclusion: The authors concluded that there exists no important link between exposure to antigens via vaccines and danger of developing a non-vaccine targeted infection. No One Should Feel Forc...

Impaired Amino Acid Transport at the Blood Brain Barrier is a Cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder

The article shows that the solute carrier transporter 7a5, a big neutral amino acid transporter located at the blood brain barrier, is in charge of maintaining normal levels of brain BCAAs. For example, in mice, elimination of Slc7a5 from the endothelial cells of the BBB leads to an uncommon brain amino acid profile, severe neurological abnormalities, and abnormal mRNA translation. In addition, the author identified many patients with autistic characteristics and motor delay carrying deleterious homozygous changes in the SLC7A5 gene. At last the author shows that BCAA intracerebroventricular administration repairs abnormal behaviors in older mutant mice. The data reveals a neurological syndrome defined by SLC7A5 mutations and uphold a vital role for the BCAA in human brain function. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Vaxxed: Vaccines Cause Autism

Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe  is a 2016 documentary film claiming a cover-up by CDC of a connection between autism and vaccines. Variety says the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine." No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Guy or Doctor Who Said Vaccinations and Vaccines Cause Autism

As the "father of the anti-vaccine movement," Andrew Wakefield declared vaccinations cause autism. To a relatively small slice of the population, parents, he is a hero who will not change his firm stance. He refuses absolutely to back down, despite the drug companies' religious persecution of him. On one hand he is the "devil" to the huge drug companies, and on the other, he's the one bold voice announcing at the top of the hill the truth all parents of children with autism wanted to hear as a guiding clue to why their children were developing this awful crippling disorder. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Spontaneous Gene Mutations Cause Autism

There's now the theory that gene mutations are causing autism. A paper was published in the Journal Cell where research reveals that an enzyme named UBE3A could be turned off when a phosphate molecule is tacked onto UBE3A. In neurons and during brain development, this switch may be turned either off or on, which leads to rather tight regulation of UBE3A. A research team discovered that an autism-connected mutation harms this regulatory switch. As a result of the destruction of the switch, that causes an enzyme's inability to be turned off, UBE3A gets hyperactive and fuels abnormal brain development and autism. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Can Autism Cause an Odd Gait?

In fact, autism can contribute negatively to gross motor functions and coordination in young children. This odd-walking gait can be seen as an early warning sign of a child developing autism. So if your child walks abnormally, bear in mind this may be an indication of the early stages of autism occurring in your child. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Original Study in Lancet Says Vaccines Cause Autism

Although the original study was retracted back in 1998 from the Journal Lancet and was made to be seen in the eyes of the world as major fraud, the study started a wave of research to verify the connection between MMR vaccines and autism. Obviously because of fear and after publication, vaccination rates fell dramatically in the UK by as much as 80%. Can you blame parents? No parent wants to risk his/her children from getting autism. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Scientific Evidence that MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism

Although I am on Wakefield's side and can't help siding with him, I have to tell the cold facts as they stand: Andrew Wakefield's study is hopelessly biased on account of the financial interest involved, if MMR vaccine got discredited. In addition, he was paid to provide advice to a lawyer building a case against vaccination manufacturers on behalf of parents of kids with autism. Andrew's study gave the proof his lawyer required to build a case. There are obvious conflicts of interest here. With all this "ammunition" that he handed over to the "enemy," it's no surprise why Andrew Wakefield lost his medical license, on the grounds of being found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the GMC. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?

Supporting Evidence Indicates MMR Vaccines Cause Autism

There is mounting evidence that supports a strong link between many kinds of vaccines and autism. A US study uncovered the fact that kids receiving vaccinations that contain thimerosal were over twice as likely to develop autism than kids who did not. There's increasing proof that reveals that thimerosal is to blame, which is found in vaccines. The reality is that more vaccinations children receive, the more learning disabilities, more autism, and lengthy illnesses develop as a result. No One Should Feel Forced To Live A Lifetime With Autism  Are You Satisfied with Only Treating Autistic Symptoms?