They Say There's No Cure Everyone--CDC, medical establishment, supportive autism organizations, and the best and brightest researchers--are all screaming in one voice: there is no cure for autism! Do you believe them? Top 8 Therapies for Autism According to Autism Speaks, these therapies below worked most effectively for autistic children, based on reports from 8000 parents. 1) Occupational Therapy: 39% 2) Speech Therapy: 27% 3) ABA Therapy: 15% 4) Social Skills Classes: 8% 5) Hippotherapy: 2% 6) GFCF Diet: 2% 7) Psychologist/Psychiatrist Sessions: 2% 8) FT, RDI, PECs, PRT, swimming: 1% Other therapies not mentioned but yet reported to be very helpful include camel milk, herbal supplements, flavonoids, royal jelly. The above
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